2013 Paris Marathon!

SO, I did it!!! Thank you to all the people who supported, cheered, and encouraged me to complete one of my lifetime dreams. I ran a marathon! In Paris. In my goal time. It was heavenly. Almost as heavenly as a fresh, hot Parisian pain au chocolat…


The map of the race. Unbelievably scenic and beautiful!

The map of the race. Unbelievably scenic and beautiful!

Off the plane. HELLO BAGUETTE!


first stop

First stop. Running Expo to pick up my bib number! EEK!

Allez Yael!

Allez Yael!


Saturday preparation lunch. HELLLOOO BAGUETTE. Encore!

little walk

From our Saturday walk (I went with three friends, who all ran and finished!) A quick sightseeing excursion before the WHOLE REST OF THE DAY ROLLING, STRETCHING, and PREPARING FOR THE MARATHON THE NEXT DAY! double eek.


Stairs (5 flights) up to where we were staying (thank you Mrs. Natori!). Can you imagine how we would cope post-marathon if the apartment building didn’t have an elevator? THE HORROR! #firstworldproblems


Dinner pre-race. Carbo-loading.  Yep, eating spaghetti. And I despise pasta. But you do what you gotta do!


Friends joined us for dinner.


Ok, I am really bad at selfies to begin with, but a seflie of me and my pre-race jitters is even worse. But I had to include it.

fashion designer

Do you believe that my mother-in-law is a fashion designer???? Can’t you tell by my look? HAWT DAWG!

Pre-race! Left to right, my friends Brad (one of Ken's best friends from growing up), Jenny, and me in the hood with the snarky face.  Picture taken by Pamela.  We all finished!

Pre-race! Left to right, my friends Brad (one of Ken’s best friends from growing up), Jenny, and me in the hood with the snarky face. Picture taken by Pamela. We all finished!


Yep, I took this on the run with my camera. It was one of my “rewards’ for finishing a mile. Pretty picture even with the runners in it.



unofficial time

Unofficial time. 3:59: 32. The official time was 3:59:52. I MADE MY GOAL BY 8 SECONDS.

post race

Post race, everyone was given a blue poncho and a green finisher shirt.


Giddy with exhaustion!


Stretching in the middle of the street. Anything goes after you run a marathon, right?


What is better than having to walk 3 miles to get home after running 26 miles? THE ARC DE TRIOMPHE!


Culture and fitness. Best combination ever.

Taking it in

Taking it all in. I just ran a freaking marathon! In Paris!


More of my “friends” in blue.


First thing I did (before bathroom, shower, etc…) post-run was go to a BOULANGERIE. Heaven.

ham and cheese

Before pain au chocolat, first BAGUETTE with ham and cheese. Again. Paris staple.


My first medal! Other than the “Most Incredible Super Big Brother” medal I gave Cruzzie who then gave to me.


Whoa, my bib sure got some wear and tear AND LOVE!

My official time!  3:59:52.  My favroite part of this is that I am apparently grouped with the "Senior Women"! Sad face.

My official time! 3:59:52. My favorite part of this is that I am apparently grouped with the “Senior Women”! Sad face.


Dinner post-race. Although all I wanted to do was throw up and drink water…


The heater that kept us warm and fuzzy.

So long!

So long, Pareeh! It’s been real! Thank you for making this happen!

Thank you, everyone! Lots of love from this happy (and sore) marathon runner!

Josie Girl


  1. Is that how the French define senior women? Hysterical. congratulations on an amazing accomplishment.

  2. I trained for NYC last year, which obviously did not happen. I am not sure I can handle another round of training but this has inspired me. You look overjoyed after the race. Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations Anika!! Thanks for sharing your pictures. What an incredible accomplishment… you can do anything!

  4. Anika, Congratulations!! What an accomplishment. Great pictures of the race,very exciting and very French. You looked wonderful. Too cool!!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS JOSIE GIRL!!! Wow! Sooo très chic and impressive! What an amazing accomplishment! Thank you for sharing your Parisian experience and pictures with us! Go Anika!!! Well done 🙂

  6. Congrats ladies (and Brad!!). What an amazing accomplishment in a beautiful city. Allez vous!!

  7. I’ve just signed up to run the paris marathon next year and am so excited reading your blog!!! Well done on your time!! I’m hoping to beat 5 hours! ;). Will you be running it again next year?

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