For the holidays, my 8 year old daughter — a plant lover — asked for faux ivy leaves to decorate her room. As someone who loves plants too, but can’t keep them alive, agreed that it would be a nice addition to her room. So, one of her Hannukah- Christmas gifts, was several packs of faux ivy leaves. She was beyond giddy (it’s the smaller things that matter) and so excited to put them up.

They come in a pack of 12. I didn’t know how long or what to expect (and even when online they give me measurements, I can never make sense of them)….so of course, I over bought and bought 4 packs. We only used 1.5 for this project….

I love the addition of the green in her room. It is happy and joyful and GREEN!

It was NOT easy to put up and I felt like I was rock climbing against the wall……I hope it made me strong and defined my abs more.

So happy with the results!
I have to say that these tiny bits of plastic bring so much light and air to our lives — who knew the power of faux icy leaves? Home improvement FTW during NYC Winter Covid!