Basquiat Exhibit

Last week, on a beautiful Spring day, I was fortunate enough to be able to visit the new Basquiat exhibition at the newly opened branch of The Brant Foundation in the East Village. Tickets are free, but you must register beforehand, and unfortunately the exhibition is currently “sold out.” That said, if you are interested, put yourself on the waitlist, and chances are you will be able to get a ticket. Not only did I find the exhibit special, remarkable, beautiful, and different, but the building itself is incredible.


The exhibition starts on the 4th floor of the 16,000 square foot townhouse. The room itself is unbelievable, with a gigantic sky roof with water flowing on it to give beautiful waves and light.

I have always admired Jean Michel Basquiat and have known his work to a certain extent, but I wish I had done my research on him fully before I went to the exhibit.

Graffiti artist mixed with social justice messages.

A little spooky…..

The views too looked out to the East Village and made me proud to live in this city.

In typical NYC fashion, this is the neighbor of the mega million, mega mansion gallery. I love her BBQ and the fact that she is reading on her kindle soaking up the sunshine.

Once I got home from the exhibit, I was googling Jean Michel for a good hour, trying to find out as much as I could on him and all the meanings behind his paintings. Art history is not my strength but I found his work extremely compelling.

Huge blue and beautiful.

This wall looked like it was made for this series of paintings. This room was my favorite in the gallery.

More of his work.

The back of The Brant Foundation.

All of NYC is obsessed with Basquiat, including Uniqlo beaming some of his work on its walls.


To read more information on Basquiat, go here and here. The exhibit is open until May 15th — try to go in the next month! Happy week, happy Spring!

Josie Girl


  1. Basquiat is one of my favorite artists and I had no idea this exhibit even existed!!! His work is so compelling.

  2. I love the exhibit but appreciate uniqlo so much for putting turning a wall into one his works so that everyone can see. It’s so well done.

  3. Basquiat was so prolific during his life time. We are lucky to have so many works that were beyond their time and still very much relevant today.

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