Tiny Animal Speakers – Oprah

I am guilty of loving the Oprah magazine…..a loyal reader for more than a decade! This past issue, she featured little animal speakers that connect via bluetooth to your phone. I decided to get them for the kids for the holidays, but of course had to check them out myself. And it is magic! Such a tiny little animal that makes such a good loud sound!


Look how cute!

These Audio Pet speakers were $25. They are also really fun and cute (who doesn’t love a tiny little animal, especially in the form of a speaker blasting your favorite song!). The sound is good enough…mind you, they are not Sonos speakers and they only cost 25 dollars, so they aren’t superb, but they are better than I expected.


The speaker.

The size

Look! You don’t even know which hand I have it in!


The speaker is really easy to use — you charge it in any USB outlet, and the speakers last for 4 hours. They connect via bluetooth to your computer or phone or tablet. Even I figured it out (and I don’t know how to turn on the TV). These make a great present for any member of the family — young or old. I know that my kids will love to play music in their room (where we don’t currently have speakers) and also play with them as little toys…..


The on button.


Too cute, right? Love love love.

Josie Girl


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