Birthday Interview Book

One of my all time favorite gifts is the “Birthday Interview Book.” This tiny little book is a simple way of keeping track of your child’s favorite items each year. Every year, on his birthday, we ask Cruzzie the same 20 questions (favorite color, song, friend, meal, etc…) and record it in the little keepsake book. We will start the same tradition with Toosh this May when she turns 3.  It is a fun (and smart) way of collecting information about your child as they grow up (tear — not too fast, kids!). And the kids love to answer and record the questions as well! To purchase, go here. It is the perfect gift for your child (or a friend!).


Tiny, little blue book with powerful, meaningful keepsakes.

Tiny, little blue book with powerful, meaningful keepsakes.

skinny sliver of a book

skinny sliver of a book



3 years old

3 years old and believing that T.Rex is a modern day animal.

4 years old

4 years old who loves Enrique Inglesias. #ProudMama

5 years old

5 years old and loves leggings #ThatsMyBoy



20 questions.

20 questions.


Totally and utterly obsessed with this tiny little book. We talk about it together as a family nonstop and love gathering around it to see how things have changed (and not changed) in recent years. Love it. And love Thanksgiving Week! Hope everyone has a great week, running around and prepping!

Josie Girl


    • You are telling me? EVERYDAY he requests big pizza, small pizza, triangle pizza.

  1. This is adorable, and I don’t even have kids! BTW – Zoe is almost 3??? Holy smokes…time sure does fly!

      • Eh, we PNW gals never age! We eternally look like we’re in our 30’s, thanks to the rain/sun ratio lol!

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