
Like most women, I love handbags. But today they are super expensive and a big financial commitment. So I was incredibly happy to find fun, colorful, personable and reasonably priced bags at Leatherology. Leatherology is a direct to consumer website that has dozens of handbag styles, colors, and options. They also monogram! Since it is summer and I always love a pop of color, I decided I NEEDED a bright hot pink cross body bag with my initials. Ever since I got it, I have been wearing it nonstop.


HOW CUTE AND FUN IS THIS BAG? I love the brightness and it just makes me oh so happy.

The perfect small size.

Birds eye view.

Fits my wallet, sunglasses, lip gloss, keys, and gum! All that I need!

Up close and personal.

Handpainted monogram.


To see the slew of Leatherology bags, go here. To buy this specific cross body bag, go here. Happy Wednesday!

Josie Girl


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