Renovation Post #2

In August, I posted about our renovation and how lucky we are to be able to combine two apartments together to form our dream home. So here we are, now in November, and while we are progressing, the end doesn’t seem much closer (still living with my in-laws). IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT, but man, it can be difficult not having my own home or space. My in laws are incredibly generous with their home, yet, it is still not our own…..

ZEN -- my in law's apartment is ZEN, of course, until you see our side and mess and chaos and craziness.

ZEN — my in law’s apartment is ZEN, of course, until you see our mess and chaos and craziness.

Cruzzie nicely sitting at the table.

Cruzzie nicely sitting at the table.

If and when my MIL gets a look at her piano room, she might faint. Yes, it is no longer the piano room, and instead the "lego room"

My mother-in-law’s piano room is now doubling as the “lego room” (Big thank you to my MIL for letting Cruzzie have the freedom to feel comfortable doing this….)


For those of you who are familiar with my in law’s apartment, it is very beautiful and large, but they converted a lot of bedrooms to closets and music rooms, leaving two bedrooms in the entire apartment. (You can see the whole apartment here). So while there is tons of space, we have had to get creative with our sleeping arrangements.


My son's bedroom....which is an extra closet of my mother-in-law's for all her clothes. Yes, it is the size of a bedroom. And yes, it is a closet.

My son’s bedroom….which is an extra closet of my mother-in-law’s for all her clothes. Yes, it is the size of a bedroom.

My son's life.

My son’s life. Basically, it is a high end fort.


Reality for my son.

Toosh sleeps in our bathroom. She loves it.

Toosh sleeps in our bathroom. She loves it. And believe it or not, she rarely wakes up even though we use the bathroom after she goes to bed.

I think she likes it most because she can practice her ballet moves in the mirror.

I think she likes it most because she can practice her ballet moves in the mirror.

Our old kitchen and living room, and now its open and will be an open kitchen and dining room

Our future apartment! Our old kitchen and living room will now be an open kitchen and dining room

The stair case will go here. Maybe then it will feel more "done"? Or maybe it will never be done.

The staircase will go here. Maybe then it will feel more “done”?

The future guest bedroom.

The future guest bedroom.

Our old apartment.

Our old apartment.

We have to put lights throughout the entire "new" apartment as there was literally no wiring and no lights on ceilings in the entire place.

We have to put lights throughout the entire “new” apartment as there was literally no wiring not lights in the entire place.

Every room basically looks like this right now.

Every room basically looks like this right now.


So do you think we will be ready to move in on time (end of February?) EEKS. We are so excited! Stay tuned for MORE pictures. And hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.  We are en route to Oregon to be with my family.

Josie Girl


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