Must Watch: Tony Robbins Documentary

If you have an hour and a half of free time, I highly recommend watching the Tony Robbins documentary on Netflix. Urged by a good friend to watch it (exact words: “Urgent”), I watched it immediately and found it riveting, emotional, powerful, inspirational, and curious. A must see. If only more people could be as authentic, sincere, deep, and real.


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I went into the movie not knowing Tony Robbins, or anything about him. I didn’t know what to expect — so at first, it seemed a little cult-ish and odd, but then the more I saw, the more I believed in his power, authenticity,  and desire to help. To read reviews on the documentary, go here and here. To see him interviewed by Marie Forleo, go here. To download his podcasts, go here.


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WATCH. And then tell me what you think.  Because I am on a constant search / effort / path to become smarter / nicer / happier, I just finished reading this book and loved watching this 90 second video. Next up for me is this book and this movie. Any suggestions on good, empowering, inspiring books and/or movies and/or podcasts? Please do share.

Josie Girl


  1. I just watched it this last weekend and I was RIVETED. I’ve watched bits of his informercials over the years of course, but *this*, this was on a different level. I loved how raw and real he was (and I loved how many times he dropped the f bombs, I can’t lie)! I have a whole new found respect for him now!

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