3 Cookbooks

Guilty pleasure: reading cookbooks! I love collecting, sorting through, and learning from cookbooks. Although the internet is a terrific place to peruse for recipes and ideas, there is something about the old fashioned, hard cover that I can’t get away from. There are so many cookbooks that I love and use, but currently, here are my three favorite:



1. Simply in Season


Simply in Season is a community cookbook about good food: foods that are fresh, nutritious, tasty, and in rhythm with the seasons. Easy to use, uncomplicated, and delicious!



Simply in Season


By Season

season and dishes

Season and dishes. Ginger Kale and Tofu, hooray! My type of food!


2. Mother’s Best


Mother’s Bistro & Bar is a popular restaurant from Portland, Oregon, with a cookbook that is just as pleasing. The menu is filled with comfort food to kill for.


Mother's Best

Mother’s Best

Love Notes

Love Notes

Best crabcakes

Best crabcakes. Remember my post from 2 years ago?


3. Salad of the Day


Daily inspiration for a seasonal salad, from light to a full meal. What is not to love?


Salad of the day

Salad of the day




recipe, yes please.


What are the cookbooks (and websites) that you are currently using for recipe inspiration? Would love to know! Please share!

Josie Girl


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