
Greetings from the Paris airport!  I am en route back to New York after running the Paris Marathon yesterday.  More to come later this week, but let’s just say I am happy, excited to see my family, and REALLY, REALLY tired.  On to today’s post!


Do you have stacks upon stacks of cute artwork made by your child and no idea what to do with it? I know I do! So I was beyond thrilled to discover Artkive App — an app that allows you to artkive (archive, get it?) all of your kids’ art.  You can store art and information, and then order books of it when you need presents for family. MAGIC!

Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 1.27.09 PM

It really is THAT simple!

About once a month, Cruzzie comes home from preschool with a big bag full of his art projects that month!

About once a month, Cruzzie comes home from preschool with a big bag full of his art projects. It is great because we get to go through each of the projects and discuss what he did and when he did it, etc…The teachers also include sheets of the songs they have learned, and other things that they did that month.

Artkive app.

Artkive app. (Yes, my phone is dominated by kids’ apps.  And the Natori Bra Finder app.)

Once you create an account, you upload and tag photos of your kids’ art with the child’s name, grade, date, and title, and then share with family and friends or turn your Artkive into a book or other great products! TADA!

Take picture for the specific kid's album.

Take picture for the specific kid’s album.

So meta.

So meta.

Crop, highlight, edit, mark kid, age, date.

Crop, highlight, edit, mark kid, age, date.

Date (I always do it months after the fact. OOPS!)

Date (I always do it months after the fact. OOPS!)

Cruzzie's album!

Cruzzie’s album!

I love that you can enjoy all of your kids’ artwork with memories and replicas without having to save each individual piece.  You can also “share” the albums online, which I have done with my parents (the only people to care about my kid’s art projects). SO COOL, right???


Also, here are pictures of our playroom in Pound Ridge, where we have created a bulletin board with actual artwork. I find it especially happy, colorful, joyous, and FUN!

Full shot.

Full shot of room.

The wall.

The wall. How can you NOT be happy looking at all this art?

Up close.

Up close.





Do you have any unique solutions on how to store your child’s artwork? Do share! In the meantime, definitely check out Artkive!

Josie Girl


  1. that’s such a cute idea! those books would make great gifts for relatives…very cool!

    • So cool, right? I can’t wait to print out a book from this school year.

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