Since September 2022, once a month, I drive up to Newburgh , New York (upstate NY) to work on a Habitat for Humanity house. I became involved through a friend, as her mother and the mother’s church group started going in honor of her brother who passed away who once worked with Habitat for Humanity. It is an all day affair full of hard labor, but I absolutely love my time doing the work. It is incredibly rewarding and eye opening to all the work it takes to build a house.

My friend’s brother was named Johnny, and so many of the houses we build in honor of the brother are called ‘Johnny’s House’ based on the donations from the family in honor of Johnny.

This particular house, I have worked on and seen it through so many stages.

One day, I spent the entire time stapling some type of plastic (yes, obviously I have not learned any of the terminology) to the wall.

The town of Newburgh is fascinating because it is extremely poor with a lot of gang violence. But the town itself is beautiful set in a gorgeous setting on the Hudson River.

I am bad with all knives, and somehow managed to not cut myself here (not sure what I was doing).

In action. 99.9 percent of the volunteers are older, retired people. If you have any interest in volunteering, get involved and do so! It is so rewarding.

The church group — but you can volunteer on your own. I am not involved in the church but come when they do, because it is more fun to drive up with my friend, Katama, then to go solo.

One time, we built stairs!!!!

Me, Katama, and our hard hats.

Carrying rubble to a dump truck — workout of the day!

Stair building.

Completed stairs, and me being brave and walking up them.


Me and my work bags.

The cement truck — we had to transport the cement to the backyard — HARD workout.

The patio.

Us volunteers getting the cement to pour in the backyard.

Even more scary — me on this power chainsaw.

Not not scary.

Spackling all morning long….

You get so dirty and dusty — but it doesn’t matter. All worth it.

The rundown neighborhood.
If at all interested in volunteering, let me know, as I would love to go more often. It is extremely rewarding and you see your hard work in a finished product. Doing good FEELS good. I hope you have a great week!