At the VERY start of break (yes, I am very behind on all posts and catch ups), we went to one of our favorite dumplings spots, Din Tai Fung, and also to a fun immersive art experience, Luna Luna. I highly suggest going to both — for taste, color, experience!
Luna Luna

Lots of color — and super cool to learn about everything. (It was VERY cold and we stayed in our coats the entire time)

Color and Tusia.


Having fun on their own.

Best part of the whole thing was an interactive marriage — so Cruzzie and his friend, Otis, had their friendship “married.” It was super cute and fun.

Proof. Very fun.
Din Tai Fung

So much to eat — but our favorites are the chocolate dumplings. Unbelievable.

We all loved them so much.

And the best part — my friend matched the wall! How funny is that??
Recommend going to both if and when you have the chance!
We found an awesome new restaurant in Eugene—Mr. Dumpling! It’s in a weird location, tucked into an apartment complex just north of Valley River, but it was really good!! Definitely a must-go this summer!