Kids in School

While the transition from summer to fall (and from Oregon to a New York State of Mind) is always a whirlwind, it has been especially so this year. While Cruzzie started 2nd grade, Tusia started Kindergarten, which feels really symbolic. It seems like yesterday the kids were born, and WAM BAM, all of a sudden they are in elementary school. To say it is a wild ride is an understatement. I can’t believe how much they have grown (and therefore how old I *am*).


Cruzzie started 2nd grade on Wednesday. He has a uniform of coat and tie, but can wear anything. So of course, I bought him a NEON orange shirt, bright shorts, and a fun tie. Why not make a uniform full of pizazz and color?

Cruzzie started 2nd grade on Wednesday. He has a uniform of coat and tie, but can wear anything. So of course, I bought him a NEON orange shirt, bright shorts, and a fun tie. Why not make a uniform full of pizazz and color?

And what do you know? His friend, Jacob, was wearing the EXACT same shirt for the first day of school. It was the perfect picture opp.

And what do you know? His friend, Jacob, was wearing the EXACT same shirt for the first day of school. It was the perfect picture opp.

This week, the boys do not have sports like they usually do, so they were dismissed in their school clothes. Of course, two minutes later (or really, two seconds later), ties off, shirts off, blazers off. Here is Cruzzie with his best friend, his soul brother, Henry.

This week, the boys do not have sports like they usually do, so they were dismissed in their school clothes. Of course, two minutes later (or really, two seconds later), ties off, shirts off, blazers off. Here is Cruzzie with his best friend, his soul brother, Henry.

Toosh started kindergarten on Thursday. And when I say "start' it means actually just a 15 minute meeting with her teachers, but required her getting dressed in her uniform. It was a long process getting her dressed that morning. She wasn't very happy about all the steps....

Toosh started kindergarten on Thursday. And when I say “start’ it means actually just a 15 minute meeting with her teachers.  But she still had to get dressed in her uniform.  There was definitely some resistance!

Cruzzie's second day of school outfit. Yes, I push boundaries. Yes, I buy his clothes. Yes, I like color.

Cruzzie’s second day of school outfit. Yes, I push boundaries. Yes, I buy his clothes. Yes, I like color.

The kids and their (painful) photo shoot for us parents.

The kids and their (painful) photo shoot for us parents.

Here we are getting ready for their new future as grade school kids!

Here we are getting ready for their new future as grade school kids!

Teenagers? Tweens? Babies? SOB.

Teenagers? Tweens? Babies? SOB.

This picture shows their personality.....sarcastic, fun, and happy.

This picture shows their personality…..sarcastic, fun, and happy.


I am not sure how to deal with this new stage in life; mid life crisis? My kids are in a new point of their development.  They are actual kids / students, not toddlers / babies. They have friends, thoughts and opinions of their own, their own personalities and life plans. I am not sure whether to cry, smile, barf, or just breathe and take it all in. A good quote: “To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.” ~ Anonymous

Josie Girl


  1. Aw! What an adorable duo! I feel like uniforms are great for elementary/middle school years. Makes it easy for the parents and the kids. It’s fun that Cruzzie’s has some flexibility though to make it his own!

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