This past week, the Natori team had the pleasure of hosting an event for More Than Me, an incredible organization founded by Katie Meyler whose mission is to provide education for young girls in Liberia. Guests gathered together at the Josie Natori Boutique for live music (provided by Ken and fiddler Heather Cole), drinks, and shopping, with a portion of sales donated to the More Than Me organization.

Ken and Katie have been friends for awhile and it was really moving to see them team up for a greater cause.
As I was on the West Coast and unable to attend the event, I am excited to have two Natori employees, Gracie Deale and Jennifer Lee, guest blog today’s post. Ladies: take it away and thank you!
We were so excited to attend the More Than Me charity event hosted by Natori. Getting the chance to meet Katie Meyler, the organization’s Founder/CEO, and listen to all that she has accomplished was incredibly inspiring. (You can see the NBC Nightly News feature about her and her fight against Ebola in Liberia here… a must watch). Katie shared her experience on how she first started More Than Me after taking a job in Liberia. After graduating college, Katie moved there to work with orphaned children. Along the way, she met an 11 year old girl who had been forced into prostitution in exchange for clean water. This girl longed for an education, to learn about the world and all that it had to offer, like so many other young girls living in Liberia. Katie was so moved by this young girl’s struggle, it inspired her to create a school to meet these girls’ needs. In 2009, the More Than Me Academy opened as a scholarship program for 150 of the most vulnerable girls and young women in the West Point community of Monrovia, Liberia.
We both agree that one of the most moving moments of the night was when Katie shared a spoken word poem about the young, 11 year old girl who had inspired her to start the organization. Listening to her poem opened our eyes to the horrendous life this girl was living. By the end, almost everyone was in tears after hearing such a horrific, real life experience this young girl had faced. Although the poem was devastating, the message and meaning behind it was incredibly powerful.
Katie’s efforts began 11 years ago, and she is more devoted than ever. If you want to learn more, be sure to follow on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and check out the More Than Me organization’s website. Or, get in touch with Katie @KatieMeyler. It is such an amazing organization and little donations truly go a long way for these girls.
Thank you and have an amazing week!
– The Natori Girls, aka Gracie & Jennifer.
What a great organization. Thanks for doing this. Every little bit of love sent out into the world makes a difference!
Truly heartbreaking stories ! What a great cause !
Love the pics of the kids! Katie, you are doing such great work. And props to Natori for supporting such a good cause. Girl Power!!