Spencer’s Butte

Spencer’s Butte. My favorite stomping ground in Eugene, Oregon. My home away from home.  Thanks for letting me share pictures from over the years…

Summer 2009, Cruz in belly.

Summer 2009, Cruz in belly.

A year later! Cruz as baby.

A year later! Cruz as baby.

Timeless Papa

Timeless Papa

Going down the mountain

Going down the mountain



My sherpa

My sherpa

Great view, naming the surrounding mountains.

Great view, naming the surrounding mountains.

Variation in colors, plans.

Variation in colors, plants.

My most frequent hiking companions.

My most frequent hiking companions.

Family of three.

Family of three.

Parking lot of the Butte

Parking lot of the Butte

Hiking backpack, hello!

Hiking backpack, hello!

High summer

High summer

Tata and Cruzzie

Tata and Cruzzie


Ahhhhhh, Eugene


Winter Butte Hike, December, 2011!

morning fog

Morning fog



Winter hike

Winter hike with Baby Zoe in belly

6 weeks

6 week old Baby Zoe on first hike, Summer, 2012

in backpacks

In backpacks, no one has it easy (except the kids)

Urban hiker

Urban hiker


Admiring the various views, June 2012



my helpers

my helpers

With cousins

With cousins, July 2012



Partner in crime

Partner! Wouldn’t be able to do these hikes without my Papa!

Girlie girl

Girlie girl, summer 2013

Date hike

Date hike

spending time

Spending time at top

Summer 2014

Summer 2014

 poles again

The time has come where Cruzzie can hike alone! No backpack! No whining!

Cute butts

Cute butts with beautiful trees

High Fives

High Fives!

Hot cousins

Hot cousins, July 2014

Baby Zoe

Baby Zoe, soon to be a good hiker!

Hats off

Hats off, Butte. We love you!

Thank you, Spencer’s Butte for providing a lifetime of family fun! The family that hikes together, stays together.

Josie Girl


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