Denim Therapy

The perfect jeans are hard to come by. So when you find the best-fit/comfortable/hot-looking jeans, you never want to give them up. And when they rip or tear, or get discolored, or you get fat (ie pregnant), you just want to cry. Or at least I do. There is nothing worse than your favorite pair of jeans ripping in the crotch and then having to go try on and buy new jeans. Jeans shopping is on my list of Top 10 Least Favorite Activities. So jeans shopping while pregnant is even higher up on the list of things I despise.

Denim Therapy

Cute logo for a brilliant company.

Denim Therapy” is the perfect remedy for this near meltdown. This service transforms your ripped-torn-discolored jeans into the perfect-brand-spanking-new jeans from the past. It even takes your old favorite jeans and makes them into maternity jeans. I know — a dream come true! And so easy peasy. It is basically like counting to 3 and then MAGIC, new jeans!

You ship your jeans to the Garment District in NYC (to their headquarters), they send you an estimate for the job, then they repair them and ship them back to you. And there you have it! Your old favorite jeans back in perfect condition. The services they offer are to fix holes and tears, replace hardware, alter hems, convert to maternity, tailor, dye (re-dying, stone-washing, etc), and monogram. Prices vary for different services: here is a list.


Rips on the tush. FIXED!



Zipper issues SO LONG!


Fit issues solved!

For us pregnant people, this service is incredible because they take your jeans, make them into maternity style pants and then once you pop the baby out, they alter them back…. FOR FREE. CHA-CHA-CHING.


Now your tummy can breathe!

So this past week, when I was craving bright neon jeans to be on trend with the rest of NYC, I bought a pair of normal jeans (neon maternity jeans have yet to come on the market for us trend seekers), and just shipped them off to Denim Therapy. Customer service is prompt and reliable. In a week or two, I will have my NEON DENIM in my hands and they will fit me because they will have the elastic band! HIP HIP HOORAY!

Until Wednesday,

Anika Yael Natori, aka The Josie Girl.

Josie Girl


  1. didn’t know you could convert jeans to maternity jeans.. this is amazing!!!!!

  2. Denim Therapy is great! I have about 5 pairs that I’ve had ‘refurbished’. Great post!

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