Ken and I are just back from Norway and one of the most amazing wedding celebrations/weekends we have ever been a part of. There are some Norwegian themed posts to come, but in the meantime, Ali Berlin, Contributing Editor, to the rescue! Take it away!
My dear friend Kate Seward is a cool, brilliant captor of beauty. Street style photographer, pro blogger and wordsmith, her way of witnessing the world stirs my insides. Kate and I met through our mutual BFF Carrie when we all lived in San Francisco, and I was instantly intrigued by her choices: lifestyle, clothing, books, words, perspective and humility (yes, I believe humility is a choice). Her talent is profound, her self-expression exquisite.
Kate started her blog The Styley in March 2011, and since then the New York Times has featured 25 of her streetstyle photos.
Since I am a wannabe amateur photographer (Bixby, my dog, is my main subject), I went straight to KS with my questions on how to snap better. Thought we could all use a few tips so here are her responses, along with some images which are individually labeled with the Hipstamatic film, lens and flash used on each one.

Kate Seward, Mistress of Light and Lens.