Deciding where to spend money and where not to spend money can be a challenge. Everyone is different, and has certain things they are willing to pay up for, and other things they aren’t. For example, I love furniture and art as much as the next person, but we definitely won’t spend much money on either. However, one thing that I am willing to pay up for is…. granola! (Yes, Ken realizes this is a great trade for our finances).
Blackberry Farm is an amazing luxury resort in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. The resort is a true farm, and features amazing fresh produce and dairy products, and all of the outdoor activities you can imagine. It is a true mental and physical getaway.
We were invited there once as guests by investors in the farm and had an amazing experience (we were very thankful for the invitation… BF is not cheap!). The farm-to-table food and surroundings were out of this world. Even though I am lactose intolerant, I will never forget how delicious the fresh yogurt and cheese were. Farm-to-table makes such a difference!
In addition to all of the great dairy and meat, their homemade granola was out of this world. So much so, that when I am looking for a pick me up, I go here and order granola.
Is $28 per 2 lb container (plus shipping) ridiculous? Completely. Is it worth it? It may not be for some, but it is for me as an occasional special treat, as I love me some fresh, organic granola. And in the big scheme of things, paying up for granola is definitely cheaper than paying up for more expensive things!
Have a great weekend!
Anika Yael Natori, aka The Josie Girl
Looks delicious… and expensive!