Currently Loving October 2024 Part 2

Part two currently loving, here we are! Short week (traveled back from CA on Monday and it has flown by!) and yet felt like I accomplished quite a bit. Here is what I am loving part deux.


1. Clever Scaffolding in NYC


HOW SMART AND COOL IS THIS scaffolding on the Louis Vuitton store? GENIUS.


2. The Noguchi Museum

Beautiful afternoon! On Wednesday, a friend and I made the trek to the Noguchi Museum in Queens where the sculptures were displayed in an incredible setting and garden. Then, we walked home to Manhattan, which was easily beautiful and fun.


3. Walk to Roosevelt Island


To get from Queens to Manhattan, we walked over to Roosevelt Island, and then took the tram back to Manhattan. A fun and eventful adventure that I had never done before!


4. Cute sign




5. Hold on to me Darling


Great play — incredible acting. Overall, long, but still recommend. Adam Driver — AMAZING.



There you have it, what I am loving! Great weather and fall colors help, too.

Josie Girl

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