Jennifer Fisher Flavored Salt

I have been hearing a lot about Jennifer Fisher’s Flavored Salt for quite some time, but finally picked some up at a local market, and I am hooked! They only had the Universal Salt variety so that is what I purchased, but I can’t wait to try out the others soon (curry and spicy)!


Jennifer Fisher is a jewelry designer but also branched out into cooking and salts! Good for her to diversify and expand her business!

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Mexican Spice Tajin

Last week when I was in Mexico (actually we left this morning at 4 am, #triste), I discovered Tajin and instantly became hooked. It tasted so good; that I had to put it on anything and everything. Truth be told, I was a little scared of looking at the ingredients because it was so addictive and good that I was convinced it had MSG. Reluctantly, I checked, and NO MSG, and instead, all natural ingredients (big sigh of relief).


Tajin. Vive la Mexico.

Tajin. Vive la Mexico.

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The Meadow – Gourmet Salt, More

The highlight of the past long weekend (aside from being reunited with Ken who had to go to the Philippines for a week) was my visit to the store The Meadow. I can’t even begin to describe the pure AMAZINGNESS of this store. It is everything in one tiny little room- cozy, sweet, interesting, unique, bizarre, and simply, pure bliss. What type of store is it? A boutique that specializes in salt, chocolate, drink, and flowers. Seems obscure, but when you think of it, do you really need anything else? (Don’t answer that.)

And of course, the store has two different locations. The West Village in NYC and Mississippi Avenue in Portland, Oregon.

The store has two different locations. The West Village in NYC and Mississippi Avenue in … Portland, Oregon. How picture perfect is this store? Too cute for words!

The Meadow

The gourmet salt, artisan-made chocolates, cocktail bitters, and fresh flowers all come together to provide an amazing shopping experience.  The owners, Jennifer and Mark Bitterman (“selmeliers”) know their stuff! Walking into their store for 30 minutes made me want to learn and discover more about everything they sold.

Rows and rows of salt.  Over 120 finishing salts from around the word! each has its own special mineral and crystal properties. They also carry salt sets to help beginners start learning more about the salt process. Another salt set is the popcorn set with black truffle salt! Smelled out of this world and made me want to start eating popcorn!

Rows and rows of salt. Over 120 finishing salts from around the word! Each has its own special mineral and crystal properties. They also carry salt sets to help beginners start learning more about the process of how salt gets made.

The salts had different sizes of crystals, smells, and colors. The thought of adding an extra sprinkle of love to a food dish seems so romantic and delicious.

Different sizes of crystals, smells, and colors. The thought of adding an extra sprinkle of love to a food dish seems so romantic and delicious.

Different sizes.

Different sizes.

The view out the window. Perfect for a movie to be filmed in!

The view out the window. Perfect for a movie!

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