Mexican Corn Quinoa Salad

Last week, I had a Mexican themed dinner and made the most delicious corn quinoa salad! It was cheese-less, oil-less, but full of flavor, spunk, color, and taste. You must make it — even if you don’t like quinoa or corn, make it! (I served it along with a green salad, kale-chicken enchiladas, and salsa….yum!)


When I cook, I am a mess. But then I clean up. And hello tequila in the background. You must serve tequila when eating Mexican food.

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Raw Tortillas

Tortilla Land tortillas make all the difference!


Last December when visiting my brother in Seattle, I discovered raw tortillas while rummaging through his fridge. In a matter of seconds, I became a fan. These authentic and fresh tortillas are made from simple ingredients (only 5 of them!) and no preservatives. Sold in many stores on the West Coast (Safeway, Albertsons, Costco), it was a little harder to pin them down on the East Coast. Thanks to my sister who lives in New Jersey, we got some… from Wal-mart!  And they are amazing.

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