Currently Loving Spring Break 23 Edition

OOPS. My kids had spring break for two weeks, and apparently I decided to not ever be on my computer, and not do the blog. Apologies! I brought the computer with me on all the travels, but WOOPS, didn’t write. So here I am. Back in NYC,  kids back to school, and now back to the blog! Here is what I loved over Spring Break and am currently loving!


1. Hello Beautiful


Best book I have read in a long time. Loved every minute and hated the fact that I read it so fast because then it meant it was over. HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

2. Foot Massage at The Well


I love Chinatown massages, but I also love pampered and beautiful spa massages. And The Well in NYC does not disappoint. Highly recommend.


3. Spotting Flaco the Owl


Day before Spring Break and I saw Flaco — felt like I had won the lottery. Best feeling ever. What a beautiful and magestic bird. Can’t wait to find him again.


4. My Palm Tree Denim Shirt


A splurge I purchased before Spring Break, and I wore it EVERY day. Cost per wear — makes it super cheap. I love love love it. Fun, colorful, and unique.


5. Butterfinger Candy Pop


Best snack I have had in a long time. Not healthy, but decadent, salty and sweet. LOVE.


6. Smoked Salmon Caviar Pizza


Shared this pizza with a good friend who moved to Florida this past summer, and it was HOLY SMOKES DELICIOUS. So good to see my old dear friend, and so good to eat something new and fun together.


7. Jay-Z Needlepoint


Completed my Dolly Parton needlepoint over break and now working on Jay-Z. It’s SO fun and colorful, just how I like it.


8. Family Time


Spring Break was a 2 week full of family time adventure. Love traveling and exploring and being together. It was especially fun this year and very grateful for our time together.



What are you loving right now? And promise to be back in the swing of things with more regular posts and more fun adventures and suggestions! Hope everyone had a great two weeks.

Josie Girl


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