Pizza Calzone

In the constant search to find new recipes and things to eat, my-sister-from-another-mister told me about an easy pizza calzone recipe from NYTimes that everyone in the family loved. Not only was it super easy, but also very tasty. I altered the recipe (shocker) to include more greens, but it is one of those recipes that you can do what you want with it, and it will turn out delicious.





Pre made pizza dough — so easy! (but yes, you can make your own, too!)

* already made pizza dough (because why not?)

* ricotta cheese

* spinach

* basil

* parmesan cheese

* olive oil

* tomato sauce




Roll out the dough into one big circle, or divide it to make smaller individual ones. Roll it on a surface with flour to not have it stick.

Mix together parmesan, ricotta, spinach, and basil.

place a bottom layer of tomato sauce.

Add the filling.

Fold it, and place it in on a pan with aluminum foil that is also slightly greased.

Little pizzas that look like empanadas.

Bake for 10 minutes at 500 degrees.

Dinner is served!

So delicious!


YUMMMM! I can’t wait to experiment with more fillings and deliciousness — the sky is the limit.

Josie Girl

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