Natural Deodorant: Agent Nateur

I am constantly on the search for several things: the best granola, natural deodorant, lipstick, and cookie (who needs anything else?). For each, I always think I have found “the best,” until my next new discovery. But honestly, I just found the best new natural deodorant, and I don’t think I will ever say that again… because THIS ONE, is seriously… The. Best. Natural. Deodorant. Ever.


Don't judge a book by its cover, but COME ON, this packaging is gorgeous. Seriously, I felt bad recycling the box! (But I am not a hoarder, and what would one do with a deodorant box anyways!)

Don’t judge a book by its cover, but COME ON, this packaging is gorgeous. Seriously, I felt bad recycling the box!

Perfect size.

Perfect size.


Agent Nateur, is a natural, organic deodorant so pure that you can actually eat it (if you want to do that). It is not only holistic and healthy, but it works, too. Like for REALS, it really really works. You don’t smell, you feel protected, it is awesome. It is like SECRET deodorant without the nasty chemicals or toxins — this stuff works. They have three different blends; original, man and rose. Rose is a collaboration with Shiva Rose (another holistic beauty guru I follow and respect), so obviously, I bought the rose scented one, and man, does it smell GOOD. Pick me up good.


Roll on. Not paste, not chalk, not a crystal rock -- trust me, I have tried all those types of natural deodorants. This my friend, is the big winner.

Roll on. Not paste, not chalk, not a crystal rock — trust me, I have tried all those types of natural deodorants. This my friend, is the big winner.

It looks so pretty on the sink!

It looks so pretty on the sink!

And travels well, too.

And travels well, too.


This deodorant is light, lovely, rosey, lavender-y, and full of only natural essential oils and love. To buy, go here (which is my next newest favorite find!). Have a great week.

Josie Girl


  1. Always been wanting to try a natural deodorant! I think I am definitely going to take you up on the suggestion. Love the packaging for this too 🙂

  2. LOVE Agent Nateur products. The Henne Lip Exfoliator is DIVINE. Always keeps my lips soft during winter season. Had no idea they made deodorants. Gonna have to check this out! Thanks for recommendation!

  3. I have never tried a natural deodorant before but I have heard good things from friends. I am always a fan of a lavender scent. Sounds like it’s worth all the hype.

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