Instagram Stories

My newest social media go-to is Instagram Stories. For those not very tuned into social media, it is a new-ish feature on Instagram that is similar to Snapchat, and allows you to post pictures and videos throughout your day.  The plus is that the pictures expire after 24 hours, so there is less pressure to make your posts “perfect”, and more of an ability to let you be more impulsive. It allows you to give people a glimpse into your life, without having the posts permanently associated with your name. It is fun and easy, colorful and playful. You can add filters, colors, and text.



Silly-ness. I like taking pictures that are cute but not AMAZING and then adding some pizzazz and flair with colors and texts. Basically, I love pretending I am a 15 year old girl.

Very few of my friends use it.  It is mostly used by big-wig-celebrities. Because of this, I have had fun testing it out over the past couple of weeks. Take a look at some samples below (and more on my account here).


Making fun of myself.

Making fun of myself.

My little girl...who has the best coat.

My little girl…who has the best coat.

Having fun with technology.

Having fun with technology.


So as you can see, I don’t post any #humblebrags or anything glamorous. Just boring pictures — I have no idea why it is fun, but it is. So try it. I am loving it more than instagram these days (for more on how to, go here) …..Hope you are having a great week so far — it is crazy busy over in our land of kids and holidays and trips approaching! EEKS!

Josie Girl

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