Currently Loving October 2024

WELP, October here we are! (or actually mid October!) It has been a whirlwind month of the Chicago Marathon and then visiting weekend at my son’s boarding school. Maybe life will slow down now??? Or not…but in the meantime, here is what I am currently loving!


1. Cruzzie’s Dining Hall


Cruzzie’s school, The Thacher School, is located in Ojai, California. It is the dreamiest place I have ever been — not just the academics, people, community, program, ethics, but also just the pure beauty of the school. Here is the dining hall at dinner. LOOK AT THAT SUNSET. You can eat outside. IT IS INCREDIBLE.

And in the morning, on top of normal breakfast options, they have HOMEMADE granola. THREE OPTIONS — I was sold at that moment. I mean, I was sold before, but I knew it was dream come true when I saw this.

2.Cruzzie’s Horse, Bunky


Part of what makes Thacher so special is their horse program for freshmen and how it teaches them responsibility and positive risk taking. They have to muck, feed, groom, etc..their house 7 days a week. It was really incredible to see. This is Cruzzie on his horse.

BUNKY. I kept saying “hi Bunky” and Cruzzie kept saying horses didn’t know their names?? I am going to TEACH BUNKY HIS NAME DARNIT.


3. Ojai Valley Inn


We had the privilege of staying at Ojai Valley Inn and it was a beautiful, luxurious stay. Highly recommend staying there. Worth it. My favorite day of the whole parents weekend was lounging at the pool together and just being a family.

Gorgeous setting.


4. Hammocks


This is outside Cruzzie’s dorm and he has his own hammock.

Then the next day, I saw this at Hermes and had to take a photo. SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT!


5. New York Sayings


Saw this and it made me smile.



6. Fall Colors in NYC



And pinks!


There you have it — what I am loving right now! Do tell me what you are loving! I always love to hear!

Josie Girl

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