
My sister from another mister is someone that she says BUY, I do it. I mean, we bought our dog from the same breeder — same dog, same breeder. We didn’t even ask questions — she is just the type of person that has the best taste (except our dog likes to bark a lot and is super anxious, but the best nonetheless) and always knows the best of everything. So when I ran the Big Sur Marathon this past Spring and stayed with her for a night, she told me to drink these electrolytes — Ultima — and so I did. No questions asked. AND NOW I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT THEM. They are the best best best thing in the world and I am drinking a lot more water now, because of her. Not only that, my kids love them, too. And they are drinking more water because of this too. So this, my friends, is a PA, to get these electrolytes and improve your water intake!


You can get big tubs of them, but I prefer to get the individual packets. I know, I know, not as environmentally friendly, but so handy to put one of them in my purse for later, or just to grab and go.

I love all the flavors — but especially orange and grape.

So good, so good.


You can get them on amazon. Do it. I promise you that you will be happy you did it.

Josie Girl

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