Currently Loving June 2022

It is almost mid June and so the end-of-school-rush and start of traveling is in full swing. I am trying to pack for two camps, a cross country trip, a Europe trip, and still manage to get the kids to school. Needless to say, I feel like a chicken without a head. All good things, and I am happy to be here and healthy….so here is what I am loving this month.


1. Notorious BIG Metro card


A lover of BIG, I had to get this special metrocard. Going to frame it — love it. Definitely cost more than a normal metrocard, but it will last a lifetime.


2. My son, Cruz, on the news


Click on the link to watch the segment on my son’s school and what he has to say! Pretty funny and cute.


3. Pride Month


June in the city is full of rainbows and love. All the rainbows make me so happy.


4. ifly


A great way to celebrate the end of school — so much fun! Tusia was scared at the beginning but then loved it. I mean, who doesn’t love to fly?


5. ABC Roasted Carrot Salad


I make this salad 2 times a week — I love it so much, so have to mention it again.



What are you loving? Do share!

Josie Girl

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