Holy moley, speaking to Jennifer Maanavi is like speaking to a legend! She is the founder of Physique 57, the boutique barre class that helped change the fitness scene in New York, and now, globally. She is not just smart, beautiful and fit, but she is also incredibly thoughtful, sweet, and incredibly friendly. Take a look at the quickfire interview, and thank you so much, Jennifer!
Jeans: AG
Shoes: Jimmy Choo
Sneakers: French Sole
Boots: Stuart Weitzman
Sunglasses: Bulgari
Watch: iPhone
Day Bag: Prada
Jewelry you wear everyday: Don’t really wear much jewelry
Workout wear: Michi
Favorite designers: Zadig and Voltaire, Phillip Lim, Theory, DVF
Undergarments: Cosabella
Where do you shop: Zadig and Voltaire, Intermix, Otte, Physique 57 Boutique
Shopping Mecca: NYC
Preferred workout: Physique 57
Do you meditate? Yes
Morning rituals: 6am wake up, jasmine green tea and Kashi Pumpkin Spice Flax Seed bar and quiet time in the kitchen with just me and my laptop. 7am the three children wake up and it is go-go from then on
Evening rituals: 8:30pm put 5 and 8 year old to bed, then encourage the 12 year old to get in bed. Finally, I climb into bed with mags, books, extra emails and by 11pm I’m done.
Tea or coffee: Tea
Guilty pleasure: Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
Toothpaste: Sensodyne
Soap: Tone
Skincare: Cosmetic Skin Solutions, Skin Laundry and LifeLine
Hairdresser: David at Le Reve
Where do you live? Upper East Side
Artist: Hiro Yokose
Favorite possession: The view of The Met from my living room
Flowers: Purple or dark orange Calla Lillies
Favorite restaurant: Blake Lane
Favorite china / pottery: China
Favorite piece of furniture: My comfy bed
Favorite porcelain: White
Minimalist or maximalist: Minimalist
Beach: Palm Beach
Dinner party secret: My 5 year old son breakdances for all guests, dinner party or otherwise!
Favorite Hotel: George V, Paris
Most used kitchen utensil: Electric kettle
Favorite recipe: Enchiladas
Favorite snack: Siggis yogurt with chia seeds
Favorite drink: Pellegrino
What do you collect: Nothing. I keep very few but special items.
What’s always in your fridge? Pellegrino, carrots and cheese sticks for the children
Who or what inspires you? Tanya Becker, my sister, my mom and dad
Favorite discovery: barre class
Fashion Idol: too many to name
Favorite charity: The Children’s Village
Favorite color: Orange
Favorite movies: Working Girl and Flashdance
Necessary indulgence: stretching, long phone calls with big sister
Nightstand reading: John Maxwell, Harvard Business Review
Favorite app: Via, Dark Sky, Foodkick, Spotify
Phone case: Mophie
Laptop or desktop? Laptop
Computer bag: fits well in my MZ Wallace bag
Favorite gadget: TaoTronics Bluetooth Headphones
Recent google search: Whole Wheat versus Multi Grain Bread
Thank you so much, Jennifer! You are such an inspiration and have created such a remarkable business and successful fitness center.
Love Physique 57! Very cool to learn more about the founder.
I want to see her 5 year old breakdance.
She’s so awesome!
I want to take a Physique 57 class now! Sounds amazing!
Wish I was living in NY. Sounds like a good place to get fit.
hi Jennifer i am your big fan