How To: CSA Veggie Box

Wonder what to do with a weekly CSA veggie box? Take a peek inside our Wednesday box (my parents get a box twice a week in Oregon) and see the creations assembled and imagined by my wonderful Mama!


Fresh, crisp, local, organic veggies. My dream come true.

Fresh, crisp, local, organic veggies. My dream come true.

How awesome is the name of our Wednesday CSA, Turnip the Beet??? (I want a t-shirt! or to start my own band with that name!)


Can we also talk about how convenient and easy it is? We simply place the empty box outside in the morning, and it is delivered and placed in the box by afternoon.

Can we also talk about how convenient and easy it is? We simply place the empty box outside a house in the morning, and the box is magically ready and full of veggies by the afternoon.

This week's box;

This week’s box: beets, swiss chard, tomatoes, blueberries, onions, fennel, lettuce, cucumber and basil!

We add basil to the top of any salad.

We add basil to the top of any salad.

Lettuce in a simple green salad.

Lettuce in a simple green salad.

Cucumber and tomatoes (from the CSA box) with some added avocado, olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper).

Creation 1: cucumber, basil, and tomatoes (from the CSA box) with some added avocado, olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper).

Beet salad made of roasted beets (recipe to come in future post), steamed swiss chard, feta, and basil.

Creation 2: beet salad made of roasted beets (recipe to come in future post), steamed swiss chard, feta, and basil.

Green beans, potatoes, onions (from CSA).

Creation 3: green beans, potatoes, quinoa, and onions (from CSA).

A typical dinner plate of ours in the summer chez Proskurowski.

A typical dinner plate of ours in the summer chez Proskurowski. Not very photogenic, but so delicious. TRUST ME.


I am incredibly #blessed as during the summer months, I eat 100% local, 100% organic, 100% homemade, 100% healthy creations from my mother. I just wish I had the time / energy / creativity that my mother possesses …. until then, Fred’s will do.

Josie Girl


  1. Okay I am not sharing the things I have been eating all summer…

    Deliver to me please!

  2. Those look so so fresh, colorful, and healthy! Oregon knows what their doing.

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