Vegan Peanut Butter Cups

in fridge


If you want a rich, decadent, chocolatey, vegan dessert*, then THIS IS IT. Vegan Peanut Butter Cups.





* 1/2 cup of peanut butter

* 2 Tbsp. Coconut Flour

* 1 Tbsp. Maple Syrup

* 8 oz. Bittersweet Chocolate* (needs to be vegan chocolate for the dessert to be vegan.  Fine if not.)

* 1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil




* Mix the peanut butter, coconut flour, and maple syrup all together

Lots of peanut butter

Lots of peanut butter.

Coconut flour, peanut butter, and maple syrup

Coconut flour, peanut butter, and maple syrup


Love, Shine, Bliss, Happy, Amaze! Indeed! Aloha Chocolate (SO GOOD)


mixture. Basically, tastes like peanut butter.

(ghetto) double boiler

(ghetto) double boiler


* In a double boiler, melt the coconut oil and chocolate (8 ounces is almost 3 full chocolate bars).


melt chocolate

melt chocolate

Action shot.

Action shot.


* Place half the chocolate in greased muffin tins (or molds, if you are a fancy chef).


chocolate in tins

chocolate in tins




* Put in freezer for 10 minutes or so, so that the chocolate hardens.


No judgement about my freezer.

No judgement about my freezer. Yes, “we” (aka my children) eat mini pizzas, waffles, and chicken nuggets. (Also, top right corner: Wandering Goat coffee from Eugene, sent monthly to us by my wonderful parents. CHECK THEM OUT. BEST COFFEE EVER).

frozen chocolate, first layer

frozen chocolate, first layer


* Place the peanut butter mixture on top of the frozen chocolate layer. Don’t add too much (like I did). Rather, a small dollup in the center of the chocolate tin.


add peanut butter

add peanut butter (I was overzealous and added too much. Don’t do what I did).


* Then, add the remaining chocolate on top of the peanut butter.


add more chocolate

add more chocolate


* Place back in freezer to harden for the last time.


* Take out of freezer, and using knife, take out of the tins.





Mine, although incredibly delicious, turned out to be more of a chocolate / peanut butter sandwich, rather than a cup. Less peanut butter would have allowed the second layer of chocolate to form more of a mold around it.



in fridge

Store in the fridge


Ken and I like to split them for dessert — they are messy, they are rich, but they are also OH SO GOOD. So make ’em. Hope you have a great weekend! Happy March!

Josie Girl


  1. Okay Making this weekend.. along with your 2 ingredient pancakes I stumbled upon 🙂

  2. Cool seems simple …maybe i’ll stop by chef central for a candy mold and try it….love the ghetto double boiler …and baby girl is is so cute and grown!
    take care- enjoy yr wkend!

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