Pop Up Bagels

One of Tusia’s best friends brought over THE BEST BAGELS AND BUTTER I have ever tasted. Currently all the rage, Pop Up Bagels, is rumored to be one of the best (if not the best) bagel in NYC at this time.


They have a lot of locations in the tristate area — 3 in the city (UWS, UES, downtown) — Westchester, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Every time I have walked by, the lines have been out the door. So when our bestie stopped by with bagels and butter for us, it was a win win HAPPY day!

The perfect size, crunch, softness, just the best.

But this — this butter — you cannot beat. Cinnamon Sugar. It is so good that I put it on my pizza crust for lunch.

I will eat this in the next week for sure.


Trust me — if you are in the city, try these bagels. And the butter. They also have some cream cheese that I want to try!


Don’t these all look delicious? I want to try them all! I also am dying to try Apollo Bagels in the city, too! Anyone try both of these places out? Thoughts on them?

Storm King 2024

What a treat! A last minute trip to Storm King — 500-acre outdoor museum located in theHudson Valley — where I have visited with the family several times before but this time, I went with some friends, and had a personal guided trip which meant GOLF CARTS, not excessive walking, so much interesting information. Highly recommend making the trek to visit Storm King — especially in the Fall foliage and glorious colors — and if you can get a tour, even better. I feel like I attended a class and learned so much.


The leaves, the colors, the sunshine, the art!

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Bandit Running Top

In all my years of running, I have never wanted to “look” like a runner — because I have never FELT like a runner. Meaning, I have always seen these athletes running that are in this awesome gear and look all fresh and hip and FAST and like they belong to the “runner” label. But I have never felt like that, call it imposter syndrome, but it has taken me time to dress like a real runner. Finally, this Fall, I decided to bite the bullet on a top I have seen on all the fast runners in Central Park, and purchase it. It’s what the REAL runners wear….and real runner or not, I now know why it is everywhere. It is the best top and I wish I had purchased it in the Spring and worn it all summer — it is so good — that I have been wearing it and washing it the same day, so I can wear it the next day.


Bandit running top. Built in bra so there is only ONE top — and it is tight and. smooth and does not chafe. A little cropped — I would size up — but sadly, they were out of the size I wanted, so I had to go with what is left, and it is a little TOO cropped, but I still love it oh so much.

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Shabbat x Nobody Wants This

One of my favorite follows on Instagram is Erin Foster (and her sister Sara Foster). They are funny, witty, smart, quirky, beautiful, and real. So when they came out with a new show on Netflix “Nobody Wants This” — I jumped on the bandwagon to watch it. Sure enough, I binged the whole show over the weekend. I loved it so much — the jewish aspect of it (The main girl falls in love with a Rabbi so there are a lot of Jewish traditions throughout the show), the romcom, the humor, all of it.



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Weighted Vests

Everywhere I turn in Central Park, women are wearing weighted vests. Literally — every women in her 40-50-60s! All of us perimenopausal women are wearing these contraptions! It is apparently the new trend — and also very good for us — so of course, I had to get on the bandwagon and try it out myself.


Less than 30 bucks, thank you Amazon. I opted for the 8 pound vest — which sounds light, but is actually quite heavy.

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Tatter Textile — Basket Weaving Class

You know how small the world is? Small — but here is an example of how small it actually is. When we were trying to figure out if Thacher was the right school for Cruz or not, we were put in touch with a NYC parent who has kids attend Thacher. This woman, happened to be the owner of Tatter Texile. I had no idea what Tatter was, but when I told my mom, she explained that Tatter is a textile store / workshop / library that she takes a million of zoom classes from. So when this summer I became interested in basket weaving, my mom signed me up for a basket class AT Tatter. I loved every minute of it — not just making the basket, but meeting the owner (Jordana — lovely human), being crafty, and getting a taste of Tatter and its beauty! Tatter offers a slew of different classes in all different art forms — highly recommend checking it out!


The beautiful library – I LOVE the sofa.

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New Top Jewelry

Since Cruz has been in California, he has truly become a California Kid. He looks SOOOO Californian with his hair, style, look, etc…So it was no surprise when he asked me if he could get a necklace (something he would have never have asked me for before his new school experience). Since I was clueless on what would look good — I asked a friend that knows everything hip and stylish. She knows all the hidden gems and secret places, and told me about “New Top Jewelry” — a store where you can have custom made jewelry made. I love that she doesn’t gate keep, and tells me exactly where to go. I am so thankful for this, because I would have NEVER EVER EVER have found this place on my own. It is located Soho border of Chinatown, and looks like a total random store.


GOLD! Chains! Charms! ID bracelets! Anything and everything you want!

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Sola Cube

One of my favorite go-to-presents is a Sola Cube — what is a sola cube? Designed by Koichi Yoshimura, it is a handmade piece of art by Japanese craftsmen that contains a real plant. They make a great touch to a nightstand, or somewhere where you can see the beauty of real nature and think of the plant inside. I especially like the dandelion, a symbol of hope and wishes, that is also a beautiful fluffy round ball.


A ton of different variations — but I still love the dandelion the most.

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Missing My Boy

Over two weeks ago, we dropped Cruzzie, my 9th grader off at school. Yes, he is at boarding school. No, it is not punishment. Yes, it is exciting. Yes, I miss him like crazy. Yes, he is in California and it is far away from NYC. But Thacher, is absolutely the best place for him and we could not be more excited and thrilled for him and this new chapter in his life. I love Thacher SOOOOOOO much and have to share some of the photos of his school just so you have more of a perspective on his life right now (because, sadly, he will not be pictured in many posts since he will be gone most of the time!)


Thacher is in Ojai — which is in Southern California. It is super hip, gorgeous, and beyond beautiful. So jealous of the location of his school! And I know Cruzzie is thrilled to not take photos — look how thrilled he looks here.

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Currently Loving September 2024

WHOA here we are. September. Kids are finally in school (I miss them) and it feels like we never had a break. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE. Here are random things that I am loving!


1. Hazelnuts


I ate these in one sitting. I love hazelnuts (they are grown everywhere in Oregon) and this combination of sweet and salty are to die for. I bought these to bring back to NYC but then ate them that same day. Oops.

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Pressing Flowers

In our final days in Oregon, we went to a U-Pick Flower Farm (believe it or not, our first time at this gorgeous farm!) and collected the most insanely beautiful flowers.


Hot day, so Stevie would try to hide below the flowers. Didn’t really work, but hey, like the effort!

We wandered the flower farm for about an hour and picked the most gorgeous flowers.

Look at this dahlia! Unbeliveably beautiful!

Our final collection.


We went to the farm, not just to see the pretty flowers, but to create art with dried pressed flowers! It takes time — but we first needed the flowers!


Getting to work.

Putting the flowers to be pressed and dried.

Smooching the flowers for a week — stay tuned!


We loved going to this flower farm, and if you have a chance to do something similarly, definitely go. In the meantime, we will be waiting patiently for our flowers to be pressed and dried to create something (bookmarks)!

Two Fun Games

It NEVER rains in Eugene during the summer. I mean, it ALWAYS rains in Eugene during the year — but NEVER in the summer. I can’t remember the last time it rained in June / July / August — except this past weekend, on Saturday, we had thunder and lightening and a downpour of rain. We could have easily just stayed inside and watched Emily in Paris, but instead, we ventured to a good childhood’s friend’s house to play games with the kids. What sounded like a boring day, ended up being SO fun. We played two new games — both huge hits and fun for the kids and adults, alike.




This is a Swedish game that is a lawn game (we played inside the barn).  You have to aim to hit different sticks, but it also requires some strategy and thought. Fun game — Tusia ended up winning one round.


Not just about aim though — requires some thinking! Huge hit for the youngest to the oldest players. We are definitely going to purchase this game — so fun


Mexican Train Dominoes

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Currently Loving August 2024 Part 2

Fall is around the corner, but still trying to soak up every inch of sunshine and moment of summer. Here is what I am currently loving Part DEUX of August 2024. And please share with me what you are loving too — I always love hearing what people are loving at the moment.


1. Tru Fru


HOLY CRAP THESE ARE ADDICTING. The best little bit of sweetness and dessert. We love them in both dark and milk chocolate — but especially the milk chocolate raspberries. You must get. To die for. Frozen raspberries coated in white chocolate and then milk.


2. Rafting

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Lion’s Gate Portal

Last week, on August 8th 2024, we did a little ceremony to manifest the good! What is Lion’s Gate Portal? GOOD QUESTION! It is an astrological term describing the alignment of the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, which is the brightest star as seen from Earth, the constellation Orion’s Belt and the Earth. Basically, it is a day reserved for the practice of manifestation. August 8th 2024 — 8 – 8- 8 (get it the 2+0+2+4 = 8)



So, we charged the crystals during the day.

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Blueberry Bake Off

Over the weekend, we went blueberry picking again, and decided to have a bake off that afternoon with the blueberries we picked!


The blueberry patch is located on the McKenzie River. It is a farther drive than the farm we usually go to, but they have 80 different types of blueberries and it is all organic and super beautiful, so it’s worth the extra drive.

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Osea Oil

This could have been included in the roundup of my currently loving, but it is so good that it needs its own post. Osea oil! It is ridiculously amazing.


I bought it with a body dry brush too — and now I am obsessed with both. They are incredible and life changing. Yes, who knew that brushing your dead skin off your body could feel so good? And then putting this oil on afterwards? HEAVEN.

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Currently Loving August 2024

Sorry for going radio silent last week — it was just one of those weeks! But I am back, and have posts don’t cha worry! Here is what I am loving this month! (And can you believe it is August?!?! How in the world did that happen?)


1. Seattle


Drove up last week to Seattle to visit my brother and his family. Nothing like jumping in to Lake Washington as the sun set….And no, I am a wimp. Only the brave people jump in — it was too cold for me.

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Pickled Green Beans

Typically in summer in Oregon, I do a lot of fruit harvesting and cooking / baking / figuring out what to do with all the fruit. But this year, there are less fruit options due to a big Ice Storm that hit Oregon earlier this year. So instead of the normal peach picking I do around this time, we went green bean picking — yep, green beans! Despite not being the best treat to eat when picking, it was fun to be on the farm and collecting the beans.


I didn’t know what to expect — I thought the green beans would be on a bush — but nope, it is a plant that you have to squat to pick.

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Basket Weaving Class

My mom is an avid crafter — even more so than me — so last week, she told me that she had accidentally signed up for two different zoom workshops at the same time, and so could I take one of them. Since I love crafts and had nothing else to do, I jumped at the chance. Basket weaving. A 4 (yes 4!!!!) hour zoom class where they taught you how to weave a basket. They sent a box with all the supplies – the needle, scissors, everything. The box is from Flax and Twine and I cannot wait to purchase more of these kits.


The box came with all the material.

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Sea Glass Space Invader

As mentioned last week, I am obsessed with sea glass. I am equally as obsessed with Space Invaders. So, this week, I combined the two! LOOK!


When we were in Europe, we found 52 space invaders! 49 in Paris, 2 in Menorca, and 1 in Sainte Maxima. This was the last one on our last full day in Europe! So exciting.

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My sister from another mister is someone that she says BUY, I do it. I mean, we bought our dog from the same breeder — same dog, same breeder. We didn’t even ask questions — she is just the type of person that has the best taste (except our dog likes to bark a lot and is super anxious, but the best nonetheless) and always knows the best of everything. So when I ran the Big Sur Marathon this past Spring and stayed with her for a night, she told me to drink these electrolytes — Ultima — and so I did. No questions asked. AND NOW I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT THEM. They are the best best best thing in the world and I am drinking a lot more water now, because of her. Not only that, my kids love them, too. And they are drinking more water because of this too. So this, my friends, is a PA, to get these electrolytes and improve your water intake!


You can get big tubs of them, but I prefer to get the individual packets. I know, I know, not as environmentally friendly, but so handy to put one of them in my purse for later, or just to grab and go.

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Sea Glass in France

As I have mentioned before, I love searching for sea glass. It is almost an obsession — once I start, I cannot stop. It is SO satisfying and so fun — I love everything about it. Right now, I am in the South of France, and NO ONE collects sea glass — in fact, when I do it, everyone comes up to me and asks what I am looking for and what I am going to do with it — and because of the fact that there is no one collecting it, there is SO much sea glass. It is awesome!!!! And I came up with an idea what to do with the sea glass and I am so excited!!!!


For the past 4 days, every morning after my run, I spend 10-30 minutes looking for some sea glass. Yes, very flattering photo. But I wanted proof of the fact that I was in my running gear, walking on a rocky beach, spending time looking for these little jewels.

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Currently Loving – Menorca Edition

So much to love on the island of Menorca! Here is what I loved on Menorca during our two week stay. (And if you are thinking about visiting Menorca –DO IT!)


1. Beaches


So many different types of beaches! I loved them all. Rustic, small, popular, chaotic, lounge chairs — every style, I loved.

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