New Years Goals 2018

2017 was somewhat of a rocky year with a lot of growing pains; on the national/political side to the smaller, less important personal side as well; physically, mentally, and emotionally. I am thankful for so much and grateful for everything, but it was challenging year in many ways. So now that we are in 2018, I am looking forward to continuing to grow, to feel, and to experience, but with a more positive and calm approach. Here are my goals for 2018! (and here are last year’s goals, which are very similar if not the same…) It is the year of love: loving myself, loving people, being in love, and channeling love, and doing things I love!


Love the smiles.


1. Be more gentle and kind to myself. Too often, I expect myself to be super woman and when I fall short it makes me feel worse.  This year, I am going to try my best, do the best, and be my best, but also be okay and loving even when I don’t.


2. Drink more tequila. As much as I love hot water with lemon, tequila is way more fun.

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New Years Goals 2017

Happy New Year! For whatever reason, this year, I felt ambitious and decided to come up with 17 resolutions (goals / to do list / aspirations) for 2017 rather than just 5 or 10. (I think I had time to think about it for 24 hours when traveling back from Asia on Friday!) Here they are:


Heading into 2017

Heading into 2017.. a dock in Palawan in The Philippines (more on our vacation to come!)


1. Give myself more credit. I am hard on myself and rarely acknowledge (and applaud) my own accomplishments and successes.


2. Accept (and love) my body for the way it is. Be kind to myself.

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New Year’s Goals 2015

Why hello, end of 2014!!!! Can you believe how fast the year flew by? I feel like it was just January, and what do you know, it is almost January AGAIN. Crazy how the years just get shorter and shorter??? On the blog, the past several years I have created a list of New Year’s goals to match the year (14 for 2014, etc….). However, this year, I am a little more realistic… here are my 5 goals for 2015.



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bkr Water Bottle

Brag: I have been doing awesome at one of my New Year’s Resolutions! I am drinking more water! Granted, it is only week 3 of the New Year, but hey, you gotta start somewhere! I owe my increased water intake to my new, hip, fresh bottle. Who knew that having a new water bottle could make me drink more? As weird as it sounds, I swear it really is working!

Rainbow colors.

Rainbow colors.

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