Rise Brewing Oat Milk

I live for my hot brewed coffee every morning — and I can’t imagine life without it. But every so often, I want an iced coffee mid day. Not only for the extra oomph and caffeine boost, but also for the flavor. Nothing is as good as coffee (except maybe tequila). I recently found this bottled iced coffee made with oat milk — it’s like all my dreams come true! Rise Brewing Oat Milk Latte –a dessert in a can! Oh so delicious.


Slender, petite, and the right size.

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Chameleon Cold Brew Coffee

I am a big believer in having quick-easy-access to coffee. Sure, I love my morning hot coffee in the morning (but not if I have to make it — thank you, Babers, for prepping the coffee maker every night). But after my first (of two) cups of coffee, I want something quick and effortless. I am also a coffee snob which makes it that much more difficult. Thanks to Chameleon Cold Brew Coffee, I get everything I want just by opening up my fridge.


Big jugs of coffee.

Big jugs of coffee. Actually they are coffee concentrates, so they can be diluted. It depends on how jacked up on coffee you want to be.

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Matcha Latte

I just hopped onto the matcha bandwagon and made myself a matcha latte! What is matcha (besides a word sounding like it is yiddish instead of Japanese)? It is a finely ground powder of green tea leaves. It is also all the hype in hipster, hippy coffee shops. And since I love all of the above (hipster, coffee, tea, Japanese, and hippy), I am now a matcha lover. Plus, it is gentle on your stomach, fights sickness, and makes you smarter. WIN WIN WIN. NO LONGER WILL I BE A BLONDE.


What's not to love about a green drink?

What’s not to love about a green drink?

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AeroPress Coffee

Spending the last few weeks with my parents has reintroduced me to some of their daily routines… such as my father’s coffee brewing.  My father is snobby about his coffee (just like I am with granola, grocery stores, gym clothes, and many many other things).  He now swears by the AeroPress, which he likes even more than the French press. And after comparing them all, I totally agree… I am now a converted AeroPress user! Using an AeroPress is a fast, easy and convenient way to brew excellent coffee. For whatever reason, the pressure heightens the sweetness and body in each cup. It tastes like a barista made it themselves.


The Aeropress. Not bulky. Just a little itty bitty goodness of love.

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