Eco-Friendly Toothbrush

What can make a toothbrush deserve its own blog post?  A commitment to environmentalism and a unique subscription option that is affordable and good for your teeth!  Not to mention unique packaging, materials and bent-body design.



preserve. indeed.

preserve. indeed.

Preserve launched in 1997 with this incredible toothbrush. They make the toothbrush, and then when you are done with it, you can send it back to them so a partner company can grind it up and turn it into plastic lumber for other plastic goods (picnic tables, park benches, the sorts). It is the epitome of recycling! Preserve toothbrushes are sold on drugstore, amazon, and even Whole Foods.



Yep, it is made from 100% recycled, BPA-free, #5 plastic (for some incredibly interesting research on plastic, take a look at Dr. Giora Proskurowski‘s work. FASCINATING stuff) and the toothbrush bristles are made of new nylon (germaphobes, no need to worry).

Feminine body

Feminine body.

For an annual $15 subscription fee, Preserve will deliver a new Toothbrush every three months (just what the dentist orders!). It’s actually a great deal.  For those who can’t wait, Recycline offers four American-made brushes in a bulk pack, complete with return-mail packs. Amazing, right? Happy Brushing your teeth! ESPECIALLY AFTER ALL THE EASTER CANDY FROM YESTERDAY! Have a great week!!

Anika Yael Natori, aka, The Josie Girl

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  1. I saw this at Whole Foods but was a little skeptical about the design (I am kind of a toothbrush snob). Will give it a shot!

  2. $15 for a toothbrush?
    $5 sure…but more than that …sorry seems ridic
    eco conscious is great …but fiscally minded is last longer…

    • $15 for 4 toothbrushes over a year (1 every three months). So $3.75/toothbrush!

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